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From what I have learnt in mathematics the rules of probability state that there is a 50% chance that either of the coin's side will show up. But when it comes to life we often chuck out the rules and hope that the side we want will show up. Life has its own plans.

As I set out to pursue HER, I realized how little I had to begin with. Almost nothing that I knew in the past would help. The common people we knew had vanished. They had long left town. To begin with I started at her home. I was not sure how I would go about it. As I drove past the house I knew once belonged to her, I tried to look in the driveway for any signs that would give me a clue whether she still lived there. But the sparkling new chevys parked in the driveway gave me no clue. I parked from just across the next villa and waited.

It had been a long time since I had started off on such "MISSIONS". The last time I could remember doing something like this was in my teens, when me and my best buddy tried to reach the college dreamgirl's balcony trying to climb the tree next to her house. What ensued has long been etched in my memory. As I recollect it now, it was her birthday and the midnight before this smart a** friend of mine wanted to be the first one to wish and impress. And being the champion for such things I was appointed the commander-in-chief of the mission. It helped that the girl lived not too far from my own house. As planned we left house around 11.15 pm after my family went to bed. Dressed in black like the black cat commandos shown on movies, we smuggled ourselves out through the back door and across the fence. We were out under the open sky all charged up to accomplish our mission. I was not sure what made me nervous whether it was the moon that chose to shine down on us as if he was giving us the center stage or my friend's enthusiasm which had pulled me into this. We had already decided upon the entry and exit route. What we had not thought of was how the girl would react to the surprise. As we reached the house, we made sure that all the lights were closed and slowly jumped over the fence and sprinted across the small patch of lawn that separated the house from the fence. We slowly approached the tree that was like a natural ladder to her balcony. Neither of us was a good climber of trees. It was decided that I would haul the Lover boy up and he would proceed from there. I cursed myself for volunteering as I was being crushed under his weight. Well into his teens this a** still had the baby fat which now weighed down on me. He climbed into the balcony. I waited impatiently for him to finish business when this guy told me that it was not yet 12 and he wanted to be punctual. God damn him, I was s**t scared. The 10 minutes seemed to take forever. Finally the torch shone on me and he signaled that he was ready.

Someone answered after a couple of knocks on the glass pane, I guess, after much hesitation. After that all that I can remember is a scream piercing the stillness of night. My friend jumped right out of the balcony and fell down with a thud. We did not have enough time to even check whether all of him was intact. We rushed to the gate and tumbled over the compound wall,just in time to avoid all the lights coming on in the house. Man! we ran like maniacs. Maybe if we trained regularly like that we could hope to qualify for the Olympics. We turned the corner of the road as we saw a man come out of the house. surprisingly the moon too had ducked behind a cloud and we had enough cover of darkness to escape unnoticed. Did I thank my stars and literally. Running all the way home we finally breathed only when we closed the door to my room. I vowed that very day not to go any of the missions. And here I was back on a Mission. So much so for taking a vow.

It had almost been close to an hour waiting for someone to show up. Waiting always got me hungry and I had already finished a packet of banana chips,a couple of Chicken sandwiches and a can of Pepsi to wash it down. The packet of lays was eying me,but I dared not touch it. I had promised I'd watch my waist. I seemed to be making up for all the years being called thin in my childhood and teens. No one dared say that anymore. Well I didn't give them reason to.

Finally after eternity,something moved on the road. A guy in his early teens came out from behind the neighboring house shouting something back to some one in the house at the top of his voice.I guess teenagers haven't improved much over time. Without much a do, I called out to the guy and asked him over. I really was not sure how to start it off and I gave it away.The rust in my skills was showing up. I asked him the details about his neighbor. And he looked at me with one raised eyebrow and a mischievous smile lit up his face. Now I was not sure what made him smile that way, was it that there were too many inquiries made about his neighbor or was it that the my desperation showed. Probably my accent was more Western due to my long stay abroad and that showed. He straight way asked me if I had any foreign piece of currency. And for once I hoped there would be something American left in me. I searched my wallet and after going through every corner of it, thank heavens I found a quarter. I am not sure that was exactly what he had in his mind but he seemed satisfied and gave me the details of the neighbor. The description of the family suited the one I had in my mind. But as he started away he told me that my wait was worthless cos the family was away on a vacation and would be back only the following weekend. It was just Monday. God how I hated Mondays!

I was back to where I had started. I had no clue to where to look for her and the only place I could start off from would make me wait for a week. Rotten Luck. Just when I had finally something to while my time away on. Frustrated, all I could find too avenge my anger on was the sole packet of chips. I could just sense the pleasure it would have felt at its victory, if the packet had feelings, when I opened it and feasted on the wafers.I had to hand it to Lays The taste had remained intact in all these years.

My first day in the field had come to and end. I started my SUV and reversed. As I passed The house my eyes caught the License plate numbers of both the chevys parked. I made a mental note of both the numbers. It just struck me peculiar that the numbers did ring a bell somewhere. But of course there it was the one clue I was looking for. It was the same number her father was so superstitious that he got it for every car he bought. I was positive this had to be her house. At least something I found on the very first day. Looked like the week would not be a waste of time.

I rode home victoriously munching away at the chips. I threw away the remains of the packet as I pulled into my own driveway It hadn't been a much resourceful day but then I atleast had the correct address. I walked in the house with a smile on face. My parents were definitely amused with the look on my face. It had been a while since I sported a look other than plain bored. Up I climbed 2 steps at a time and flung my t-shirt into the arm chair and collapsed on the bed. Field work and eating did make me tired. I am not sure what happened next...zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz



  1. waitin for the mission to b accomplished!!! plzz put up the next part..soon!!!


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