Intoxicated by the air!

Someday when I've got a few grey hair and you've not yet grown old
And we are relaxing by the seashore
Without a worry in the world
watching together the sun set in all its grace

Maybe then I will stand up and take a bow
And ask my beloved lady for that dance
Pleased will my lady be
And maybe she'll allow me the pleasure
To indulge in a dance with her

Let me gently hold her arm and move around freely
Just like the late evening breeze
And as the music hits the high notes
Let me turn her around thru sand, thru water and thru air
For there shall never be another dance that has had so much flair

And then yet again like so many times after an intoxicating dance
we shall retire to our seats hand in hand
Relishing the drink and the long night that awaits us ahead!


  1. heh heh ... dance dance revolution is it ?

  2. Pranam! Grey hair not a must! :) Wish u a life full of such 'intoxicating' dances and wonderful evenings by the seashore! ;)

  3. beautiful.......while I read it I experienced it :)

  4. beautiful again,but y this line "For there shall never be another dance that has had so much flair"???

  5. Thank you everyone. Your kind words are appreciated very much.

    @Supreme: it is because perhaps with every new dance.. the intensity exceeds that of the previous one!

  6. hm so some ones turning into a poet....


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