Any way the wind blows

I was stranded on a tiny island
as the land broke the wave
water gushed over the sand
making me ponder
how much more can it take
before I will be down under
the lone rock for company
I waited the test of destiny
perhaps it wasn't to be my day
the wind blows any which way

In another instance
I reclined over the railing on the bridge
as the river flowing beneath
invited me to challenge its depth
little did it know
how much I owed in debt
to my very own life
clasped on to the rusting iron
I continued to sway
the wind blows any which way

The road ahead
ceased to never end
tho, lost it seemed to be
in the fields around the next bend
the rain continued to lash at it
even as it persisted its journey
extending the serpentine trend
the satan kept a watch
waiting for me to fall prey
I couldn't, no matter
The wind blows any which way


  1. Bro...poetry is one thing i find more enigmatic than mathematics...and i really feel only people with intellectual on the higher side have the ability to fixate words in such a sublime manner...I ve no doubt brother that ur definatly one of them...keep penning bro!!

  2. As elegant as one could get man...u r just brewing better by the day , just like authentic wine. Suave, swanky, .......supeeerb!!! way to go jimmy!!!

  3. wind definitely blows in any which way but emotions kept within are certainly blowing in the right way..........let'em bring out the best !!!!

  4. Pranam baab good one.. :).. ashech baray.. vachpak amhi asat... :)

  5. cool one pranam! Congratulations!! it'd have been nicer if u cud also post a pic which u associate with this poem...

  6. Nice poem. Well Composed! :)

  7. the concept and the flow is good.. but the use of words need to be checked.. dont use words of common use.. for a poem.. u need to hunt words with a rhythm.. but overall .. good


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